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讲座预告 | 珞珈经管青年论坛第四百六十期——会计论坛
时间:2024-11-03  阅读:

讲座题目:Materiality Uncertainty and Corporate Disclosure (重要性原则的不确定性与公司披露)

主讲人:何佳鹏  香港中文大学






This study examines how heightened uncertainty in materiality judgments affects mandatory disclosure of material information, by using a Supreme Court ruling (Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v. Siracusano) that rejected the use of bright-line rules previously relied upon in some U.S. circuit courts to evaluate materiality claims. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that affected firms increase filings of materiality-based 8-K items following the ruling, relative to unaffected control firms, whereas there is no similar effect for nonmateriality-based 8-K items. The treatment effect strengthens when firms face higher litigation risk and when investors have more diverse opinions. The increased disclosures are primarily driven by filings containing relatively small amounts of information and by bad-news filings. These findings suggest that managers respond to heightened materiality uncertainty by making more conservative materiality judgments and increase disclosure of mandated information, particularly when the materiality is unclear and the information is adverse.

本文通过利用美国最高法院的裁决(Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v. Siracusano),研究了当重要性判断的不确定性增加时,公司如何改变关于重要信息的强制披露。该裁决拒绝了某些美国巡回法院以前依赖的通过明确规则来评估重要性的方法。因此,通过双重差分法,我们发现,相对于未受影响的对照组公司,受影响的公司在裁决后增加了基于重要性的8-K文件的披露,而非基于重要性的8-K文件没有类似的效果。当公司面临更高的诉讼风险和投资者意见更加多样化时,结果会增强。我们还发现,增加的披露主要来自于信息含量较小的8-K和包含坏消息的8-K。这些证据表明,当重要性原则的不确定性增加时,管理者会做出更保守的重要性判断并增加强制信息披露来应对,特别是在信息重要性不明确且信息不利的情况下。


何佳鹏,香港中文大学会计学助理教授,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UTD)会计学博士,厦门大学会计学学士。目前主要研究兴趣包括政府透明、政府采购和政府监管。研究获香港研究资助局(RGC)资助,并在The Accounting Review等学术期刊发表论文。研究论文曾获2021年美国会计学会年会政府及非盈利分会最佳论文奖。